DeFazio’s Crazy Attempt to Steal Supreme Court Seat
Oregon has a real nut-job running in this election – Representative Peter DeFazio. In a Huffington Post article, he expressed his anger with the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court.
“I mean, the Supreme Court has done a tremendous disservice to the United States of America,” Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) told The Huffington Post on Tuesday. “They have done more to undermine our democracy with theirCitizens United decision than all of the Republican operatives in the world in this campaign. They’ve opened the floodgates, and personally, I’m investigating articles of impeachment against Justice Roberts..
Ah, yes .. impeach a Supreme Court Justice – a CONSERVATIVE justice. Apparently, he’s now being assaulted by negative ads from those big meanie Conservative groups and he just can’t handle the pressure.
DeFazio’s race in Oregon’s fourth congressional district has been thrust into the national spotlight because of the involvement by the Concerned Taxpayers of America..
Defazio’s feelings are getting stepped on and he’s using the tried and abused liberal tactic of jumping up-and-down, crying, whining and throwing a tantrum. Folks in Oregon’s district 4 must be proud.
Sure, Peter “Nut-Job” DeFazio is upset because the Citizens United case went against the liberal elite. That law let Unions spend like drunk sailors in elections but limited other large organizations. All progressive extremists like DeFazio are upset about that, but that’s not the goal. DeFazio is trying to unseat the swing vote on the Supreme Court while a Democrat President is in the White House and progressives still have majorities in the House and Senate – they want to steal the Supreme Court while they still can.
This isn’t the only “crazy” that Defazio is pushing. According to his voting record shows that he:
- Voted to allow Federal funding of abortion
- Voted YES on Obama’s government take over of health care (Obamacare)
- Voted YES on stimulus legislation
- Voted to keep partial birth and late term abortions legal
- Voted YES on government take over of College Student Loans
- Voted to extend unemployment benefits
- Voted to cut funding off from our troops while they are in combat
- Voted for Cash for Clunkers
- Voted for GM and Chrysler bailouts
- Voted against small businesses
- Voted for FDA regulation of Tobacco
- Voted YES on Marijuana
- Voted NO on at least 3 amendments that would have limited the mortgage loan crisis
- Voted to Repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell while voting NO on same-sex marriage and Domestic partners legislation (hypocrisy?)