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Liberals Would Rather See Blacks Dead Than Frisked

For the life of me, I will never understand the Liberal mind, if I live to be 100 years old, I will never understand the moronic and illogical way the Liberal mind thinks. Recently in New York City a Liberal judge Shira Scheindlin declared stop and frisk unconstitutional. In the month after judge Shira Scheindlin’s decision that the police procedure is unconstitutional, shootings spiked nearly 13 percent and gun seizures plummeted more than 17 percent.

With in just 30 days after declaring the policy unconstitutional, there were 140 shootings across the city, compared with 124 during the same period last year. And the number of gunshot victims was up more than 9 percent, with 164 people struck by bullets this year, compared with 150 shot over that month last year. “Shootings are going through the roof now because perps are not afraid to carry a gun,” a source said. Another NYPD source said that cops are no longer being “proactive” with stop-and-frisk because “they’re scared of being sued. They feel as if the city is not going to indemnify them in lawsuits.” “Before the ruling, when police were proactively stopping people, guys would not carry a gun unless they knew they were going to do a shooting,” a police source said.

New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg said, “There is just no question that stop-question-frisk has saved countless lives. And we know that most of the lives saved, based on the statistics, have been black and Hispanic young men,” “It’s worth remembering that as recently as 1990, New York City averaged more than six murders a day. Today, we’ve driven that down to less than one murder a day.”

However, even with statistics like those, Liberal judge Scheindlin still says, “but in its current form, the policy encourages the targeting of young black and Hispanic men based on their prevalence in local crime complaints. This is a form of racial profiling.” Why doesn’t the judge ask the victims parents if they would rather have their children dead or frisked, but to the Liberal mind profiling is much more horrendous than someone dying is.

With 96% of the crimes in New York committed by people of color in black and Hispanic neighborhoods, why would they not concentrate on black and Hispanics? If the majority of crimes were committed by Chinese or Irish people than the police would concentrate in those neighborhoods. Like I said, the Liberal mind does not know the meaning of common sense. Liberals say if you believe in profiling, then you have to be a racist, but it seems to me racists are the ones who would want to see minorities dead, not protected.

Just recently there was another mass killing by a mentally ill person, he was walking around  while many knew of his mental illness, authorities knew that he heard voices and claimed people were following him,  yet he was allowed to roam free, why?  Liberals, that’s why.

You see, Liberals won’t allow the dangerous mentally ill to be committed to institutions against their will. We can’t go putting people in mental hospitals just because they walk around talking to themselves, or walking around the city naked, or shouting insults at people.

You see, just like stop and frisk the Liberals do not really care about the victims, they are more concerned about not hurting someone’s feelings, or being politically correct. Just like in the Fort Hood shooting, the army knew that he was a radical Muslim, but because of political correctness and not to hurt anyone’s feelings, they turned a blind eye, the result, 13 people dead.

So as New York City starts to see the death toll for black and Hispanic men rise, the Liberals can proudly say, “At least they weren’t profiled.”

What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids.” Available Here.


This is one man’s opinion.


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