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Tolerance: The Ultimate “F” Bomb that’s Destroying America’s Culture


 Finger Statue


Tolerance is not a wonderful thing; it’s the ultimate “F” bomb forcing Americans to assimilate to multiculturalism (Cultural Marxism), and that ideology is dangerous.

Tolerance toward everyone and every foreign culture within any country’s borders has long gotten people, armies, and countries slaughtered by brutal enemies. But that is the grand scheme behind “tolerance.”

It’s one thing to for foreign cultures to come to America and become American, but it’s a threat when those cultures demand America assimilate to them.

Today tolerance is permitting two threats to takeover America: Islam’s culture and violence and illegal and legal immigration from third world countries demanding America assimilate to those cultures.


First the Ted Kennedy 1965 Immigration Act opened the amnesty floodgates for “an extension of civil rights sentiments beyond our borders,” and America has been losing its culture to many cultures that hate us ever since. Kennedy’s Immigration Act refused the continuing admittance of white Europeans to America. There was no tolerance for Irish, English, Scots, and Germans, and only a small number of Visas were extended to Italians and some Eastern European countries. Why? Progressive leftist intolerance demands Americans accept illegal and legal immigration from non-white third world countries, while apologizing for white America’s prosperity (despite America having prosperity in all races) uneducated and unskilled third world countries are forbidden to experience.

America ought to express regret to those foreigners who hate the United States, but adore our food stamp and welfare programs. After all, Americans are obliged to“tolerate” and assimilate to those taking over with foreign cultures!

our continent not yours

Yet the so-called tolerant Left forbids non-white third world countries from rising up and prospering their own lands. The excuse; those people would lose their culture. Never mind the fact those people are starving to death in their natural resources lands they should be allowed to build wealthy from. The Left wants those cultures to come to America and takeover America’s despicable white culture with resentment toward Americans. And Americans better tolerate this conquering with a repentant smile.

And whatever we filthy Americans do, apologize to illegal aliens—a word now banned by the Associated Press, because “illegal” is considered a “negative connotation.”  Never mind the negative connotation of foreign cultures demanding America surrender to them.

end free speech

Next: The “T” word has run further toward America’s ruination since 9/11. Now Americans are expected to apologize to Islam for its violent world-wide mass slaughter. America should apologize to the world for existing while Islamic enemies slaughter Americans.


We hate America

Who cares that Islam and other foreign cultures are  taking over and destroying America, and who cares if they have no tolerance for America and Americans,  non-Muslim Americans must request forgiveness from Islamists even as Islamists slaughter us.  

By-the-way, it’s not a negative connotation to say you despise Jews—after all, don’t you think “they” own too many banks—, Israel—can’t “they” find another place to settle their 5000 year-old land—, Christians—look how they’ve taken over the world by beheading everyone into submission!  And whites; look how they extinguished every, single African and indigenous tribe on earth.

Yes, tolerance! It is of utmost importance when it comes to demeaning and destroying America. 

dem socialists of america

This so-called broad-mindedness, which tells Americans we must be charitable toward all, is a progressive code phrase set up to destroy liberty. Tolerance demands Americans lock-step to, and follow, everything and everyone, while hating white Christian, conservative Americans and America’s imperialistic founding— that intolerable Constitution that upholds Natures Laws, i.e. individual freedom and liberty to all.

What is intolerable is many Americans accept this hatred. Those who detest America will never “tolerate” Americans, so why are we “tolerating” them? Because politically correct government leaders and the anti-American Left demand Americans endure the destruction of our nation, culture, language, and people. It is after all the best way to apologize for America’s existence.

As author Bruce Bawer noted in City Journal:  

Call it a cultural surrender. The House of War is slowly—or not so slowly, in Europe’s case—being absorbed into the House of Submission.


The Left does not want America to last, that’s why it adores illegal and legal immigration from third world countries and terror states. The Left wants angry unskilled, uneducated people invading America and living off the welfare state.

Leftists want jihadists bombing American cities and Americans submitting to the enemy. That is because the “House of Submission” Bawer refers to lacks tolerance for the 19th and early 20th century immigration: Immigrate to America because it offers opportunity to become wealthy—something Europe forbade unless one belonged to the aristocracy. Wealth opportunity is not tolerated by progressives. Old immigration helped build America; it rejected terrorists and anarchists and promoted prosperity, something “tolerance” is determined to undermine.

Early 20th century immigrants may have been poor and many lived in overcrowded cities, but work opportunity, earning and saving money, meant rising out of poverty. Those immigrants assimilated to America’s culture because they wanted to be American. Tolerance instructs today’s immigrants that America is a nation of racists and Americans should assimilate to foreign cultures living here.

Tolerance says Americans are“totalitarian in nature,” so make all believe we are a “nation of immigrants.”

The “Tolerance” pro-amnesty phrase—“America is a nation of immigrants”—has further brainwashed Americans into believing we are Al Gore’s “out of one, many,” and not “E Pluribus Unum,” “Out of Many, One.”

If America is a nation of immigrants, then there are no American-born or nationalized Americans.

If America’s current population is 307 million people and 50 million are legal and illegal, and of that, 12 million illegal, then only 13% of the U.S. population are naturalized citizens and 16% illegal.  That means America is a nation of majority American citizens born or naturalized. Thus we are not a nation of immigrants, but Americans.

How intolerant!

Notice it’s perfectly acceptable for illegal immigrants from Mexico, South America, and other third world countries to take “Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion) from American taxpayers, after all, America is too white, too rich, and has no right offering opportunity to anyone who wants to work their way legally and honestly toward their dream!

If most third world immigrants are unskilled, it’s America’s fault. We offer too much work opportunity!

If Islam creates terror, it’s simply lashing out at that fact America offers Islamic terrorists too many prospects for Ivy League educations.

How intolerant!

This is the Left: They despise everything America stands for: The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration, law-abiding immigration to become American, freedom, liberty, free speech that says you can’t say “illegal alien” to describe people illegally entering and living inside U.S. borders. And forget religious freedom that allows Christians to say the name Jesus and own Bibles when Korans should be the only holy book allowed in America.

You talk about Intolerable!

The only time the Left tolerates the Bill of Rights and Constitution is for itself—to spread its progressive propaganda created to destroy the Constitution, Bill of Rights and America.

“Tolerance” is giving America the finger with a big “F” you. It is getting America attacked and people slaughtered in the name of multiculturalism. 

Those who hate America will never tolerate Americans or this nation as it was founded, so why are we tolerating those who hate America and want to destroy her?

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Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. Tolerance & Charity begin AT HOME…We have border for a reason. Not to acknowledge & use them is akin to having a pantry of food & starving to death.

    If you would not open your door & welcome them into your own home, do not open your country’s door & invite them in. If you do you are giving part of MY life away….without my permission

    1. Whenever we Americans visit foreign countries, we are expected, and rightly so, to have legal passports, and we must leave those countries when the time limit of our vacation is over. If we are there on VISA, we must leave when VISA is set to expire or we will be arrested and imprisoned in a foreign jail–and rightly so–for breaking law. Why are we not doing that here? Why are we going along with 1965 Immigration act and saying come on in and take what is America’s and we will apologize to you for being American. It’s time we drop the compassion for wrong-doing

  2. Lisa, I’ve spent the last decade tackling the many issues that surround this ‘criminal trespassing’. Very reliable sources have had fact & figures that (could) have been used IF any of our elected elite wanted to really address the problem. In 2006 the estimated ‘illegals’ in country was the same as the 11 million being touted today.(smell fish ?)I have a friend in Arizona whose wife can’t go to their barn or ride without a gun & large dogs. They can sit on their front porch (with rifle nearby) & watch groups of illegals crossing their land towards Tucson. Dr & Linda Vickers live in Brooks County Tx on a large ranch & weekly lose cattle & fences & ‘hold” illegals for up to 2 hours waiting for Border Patrol to arrive. Last year, 8 bodies were found & already 3 this year. Among Napalatano’s “new installed” Border security is located about 200 miles East of El Paso where the Rio Grande is about 50 ft across & 18 inches deep. There is NO American development on this side & about a mile into Mexico is a nearly abandoned town and the “guard station” is an Unmanned 5 ft pole where you swipe a card that registers in El Paso. If it isn’t valid, BP is dispatched. Walk a couple of feet either direction & no card required…Now doesn’t that make you feel safe?? We have laws & manpower IF allowed to do their job…

    Best stop for now so I have hair left to pull out tomorrow.

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