World News

Palestine: Man Jailed for Eating During Ramadan

From the Palestinian Watch: Six people have been arrested and one sentenced to a month in prison for eating in public during the month of Ramadan, according to the official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper. Under Islamic law, eating is prohibited from sunrise until sunset during the entire month.

In addition, the Chairman of the PA Supreme Court for Shari’ah Law said PA law should prohibit even non-Muslims and those who cannot fast for health reasons from eating in public during the month. Sheikh Yusuf Ida’is explained: “Our streets are Islamic,” and formal legislation should be enacted to “severely punish” anyone who eats publicly during Ramadan.

The following is a Palestine TV interview with the Chairman of the Palestine Supreme Court for Shari’ah Law, Yusuf Ida’is:

TV host: If someone doesn’t fast for some reason [during Ramadan month] because he follows a different religion or has health reasons, it’s his right. However, he breaks the spirit of Ramadan by eating or drinking in public or at work.
Ida’is: We have to monitor the streets and severely punish anyone who [eats] in public during Ramadan, and this is the responsibility of the security forces. Our [Palestinian] streets are Islamic, praise Allah. Any person caught committing this sin in public during Ramadan has to be imprisoned until the end of Ramadan, as an example to others. I call upon others [non-Muslims] to be considerate of Muslims’ feelings.

In an area where more than one-quarter of the population is Christian or Jewish should all be expected to abide by Sharia Law? Will the same happen if Sharia Law is accepted in the United States?

It is not one world.


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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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