Zero Integrity on House Ethics Committee

The House [supposed] Ethics Committee has recently been exposed as a dysfunctional sham and a completely discredited farce that refuses any semblance of what is was originally created to do, as seen by the six members who have now recused themselves from the Maxine Waters ethics violations investigation. That investigation goes way back to 2010, when Democrats who controlled both chambers of Congress refused to move the trial forward.

 Michelle Malkin summed this debacle up as follows, back in April of 2011:

Last summer,(2010) the House Ethics Committee charged the entrenched California congresswoman with three violations related to her wheeling and dealing on behalf of minority-owned OneUnited Bank in Los Angeles. The panel accused Waters of bringing discredit to the House for using her influence to seek and secure taxpayer-subsidized special favors for the failing financial institution.

Eight months have passed since the House ethics panel charged Waters. But to date, there has been no action. No trial. No consequences.

On Jan. 13, 2009, Brookly McLaughlin, then-Treasury Department deputy assistant secretary for public affairs, e-mailed her shock at Waters’ apparent conflict of interest regarding OneUnited: “Further to email below, WSJ (Wall Street Journal) tells me: …Apparently this bank is the only one that has gotten money through section 103-6 of the EESA law. And Maxine Waters’ husband is on the board of the bank. ??????” (emphasis added)

When all of this information came to light, House Democrats scrambled to snuff out the investigation by any means possible, including firing the two lead attorneys working on the Waters investigation.  Thus, an independent attorney was hired to sort out this mess, and yet we see some of the same type of denial in holding the people who perpetuated this farce of  a cover-up originally, continuing.  Witness the recent statements in regards to this investigation and the six committee members who recused themselves, yet refused to admit their part in this charade of injustice:

1- Current Ethics Committee Chairman Joe Bonner sends a letter to Speaker Boehner announcing that 6 members are recusing themselves. ( and jumping off the sinking ship to avoid being held accountable) In that letter, Bonner goes out of his way to say no one did anything wrong. “The record should note that these recusal requests are not based on any indication of wrongdoing or inappropriate partisanship by the Members,” Bonner’s letter stated. If there was no wrongdoing, then these six members should simply be fired for refusing to do their jobs on the Ethics Committee.

2- Martin told the committee that he reviewed “tens of thousands of pages” of documents and interviewed current and former committee members and staffers, but one necessary witness who is not currently with the committee refused to testify when subpoenaed and it has prevented the completion of the due process review.

3- “While Mr. Martin had advised that the most appropriate time to present his recommendations regarding recusal would be upon the completion of the due process review, he has now counseled the Committee to advance that timing,” Bonner’s letter said.

So what happened the very day after this letter was delivered to House leadership in which lead counsel is now advising the Ethics Committee to get this trail started?  Maxine Waters was caught on video tape, having a major meltdown, and calling House Republicans ‘Demons” and making other hateful comments about them. This is what happens when self-serving members of Congress are told that they will be held accountable (finally after almost 2 long years of  the disgusting Democratic party’s obstruction of justice)

Yes America, there was a reason for Maxine Water’s most recent meltdown. She refuses to accept the fact that she will be held accountable for her obvious TARP fraud in securing money for a bank that her husband had investments in, and on which he sat on the board of directors. If any of your representatives are on the Ethics-less committee, call them up and demand real justice, not the slap on the wrist that career income tax dodger Charlie Rangel got for his proven felony income tax evasion. As for the six Ethics Committee members who have now recused themselves, including Chairman Bonner, and whom are refusing to take responsibility for their parts in this debacle?  Fire them all! Kick them off of the “Ethics Committee” for proving to have a complete lack of anything resembling true ethics. It is time to end this charade once and for all.


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One Comment

  1. OK, but WHO ARE THESE MEMBERS of the “unethical” committee? The only way these things will ever get “fixed” (I know, I’m optimistic), is to shine some light, not only on the corruption, but on the enablers as well. So other then Joe Bonner, who are these lackeys who stand in support of corruptocrate Maxine? As far as I am concerned they are an Accessory to the Crime and should be lined up right behind her and punished as such. At a minimum they need to be removed from the committee for not doing their jobs.

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