
Romney/GOP Desperate for a Win in SC Primary

How desperate are Mitt Romney and the establishment GOP to capture a win in the upcoming GOP South Carolina primary, to be held on Jan 21st? Consider the following: SC Governor Nikki Haley recently came out with what has to be a GOP establishment talking points memo that is being parroted word for word on NewsMax here and the Associated Press/Yahoo here, and that contains the following info-bytes:

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is predicting that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will win her state’s pivotal Southern primary. Haley says she believes that Romney’s Mormon religion will not be a liability in South Carolina.(emphasis added)

First of all let’s not forget that is was not the GOP who propelled Haley into the SC Governor’s slot, as much as it was mainly due to massive grassroots Tea Party support. This is what people mean when they say do not change when you are elected, and start drinking the progressive kool-aid of the establishment GOP that gave us the failure of Mr. John McCain against a fluffed up, no-accomplishment junior senator from Chicago, also known as the corruption capitol of America politics. This is exactly how we ended up with the career community organizer and non-achiever, Barack Hussein Obama as our President.

Next up in the establishment GOP parroted statement where Haley says Romney will win the SC primary is this tidbit: “Evangelical voters are a potent force in GOP politics in South Carolina, and some believe that Mormons falsely claim to be Christians.” Add to that fact that this poll currently shows Newt Gingrich with a 14.5 point lead over Romney, and that number is the RCP average across the spectrum of polling data. Denial of reality there, or is it just plain, progressive propaganda designed to “nudge” the SC voter’s perceptions? You decide. While mulling over the facts written here, here is one last bit of information that is sure to enlighten the masses.

Joining Romney for a campaign appearance Thursday were Haley and the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2008, Sen. John McCain. Oh what a tangled web we weave……

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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