
Wanna See A Breakdown In Society? Look No Further Than Your Nearest Grocery Store

While CDN is primarily considered to be a political website, I contend that mundane aspects of our culture can sometimes be a part of the equation that get overlooked.  One of the issue that’s been on my mind lately is how we treat each other publicly.  If the last couple of decades were known for being overly “P.C.”, then I fear this next decade could be the decade of “naked aggression” towards one another.

An act as simple as going grocery shopping has become stressful and unpleasant for many over the last few years.  Our fellow motorists on the road have long been a topic of discussion in our country, but now I see hostilities and conflict extending beyond the pavement and the stoplights.  Now the grocery store and even the parking lot itself seem to be unsafe havens in our world today.

Last Saturday, I began my (weekly) show, Married to the Game, with observations on what it’s like to go shopping in Southern California.  Below, I’ve combined some of that commentary with pictures and video that I took from a Walmart parking lot, both out of frustration and in an attempt to share with other people what I’ve been witnessing.  Ultimately, I’d love to get a conversation started in this country about how we can go back to better conducting ourselves and being “better citizens” in public.  But until then, you can find entertainment in my pain in this video below.

So what are your thoughts?  Am I just crying over misplaced shopping carts?  Are there bigger problems in the world?  Or is this video indicative of our “EBT” and “OWS” culture?

Also… In the video, I discuss how this has encouraged me to do more shopping online, thus costing local stores my business.  As more and more people seem to shop online, what effect do you think this has on our communities?

Let us know in the comments below. (or on Facebook)  This is a topic I believe we should all think more about.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. You know, at first I thought this was somewhat silly and another example of how Conservatives made too much out of small observations. Then I remembered the last time I went shopping. When I went to exit, there was a shopping cart in front of my truck. It would have been easier to drive straight through, so I put the groceries away, walked to the front, and pushed the cart just 2 feet forward, so I could drive forward. As I walked back and into my truck, some jerk actually pushed the cart BACK where it was. Now, in NO way did this impede his leaving the parking lot. The damnable gringo (not making generalizations, it’s just a fact), pushed the cart in front of my truck just to be a damnable gringo (not making generalizations, it’s just a fact)!!!! Amazing. Had to leave my truck and push the cart out of the way again. It’s a small thing, but these add up…

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