
Krugman: Obama Should Just Lie to Americans to Get Another Stimulus

Paul Krugman, the New York Times’ liberal with no conscience, posted an opinion piece in which he offered a solution to the current economic situation: lie to Americans to get them to buy into another round of massive stimulus spending.

Suppose that Obama announces that we face a clear and present danger from Ruritania, and that to meet that threat we need immediate investment in roads and rail (to move troops, of course). The economy surges on the emergency spending — and newly employed men and women at last get to move out of their relatives’ basements. Home construction surges.

Then Obama apologizes, says that his advisers have learned that there is no such country as Ruritania, and cancels the program. But we still have the new roads and rail links; plus, the surge in housing demand is now self-sustaining, and the economy remains strong.

Obama did enough lying to get the first round of hundreds of billions (or over a trillion depending on how it’s counted) of dollars of government spending. That round did nothing. The bigger problem with this plan is that it intentionally creates yet another bubble. What happens when Obama announces that we built all that for nothing, no war is coming, and that Ruritania is a country that exists only in works of fiction? Those family members will be right back in Mom’s basement in no time. We saw it with the first Obama stimulus, we’ll see it again.

Artificial demand is the bugle call of Keynesian progressives. Create an economy around artificial demand – a bubble. Eventually those bubbles burst (housing is a prime example of Keynesian bubble building and the eventual bust). We need to unleash the free market and give it certainty of opportunity.

Certainty does not come about by deceiving business owners and citizens. Confidence will come when the government backs off of businesses and let’s them do what they do best – invest, hire, build, make money.

Perhaps Krugman and his ilk should stop bashing the wealthy and corporations and instead get out of the way so more of us can join the ranks of the corporate jet owners.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Now, don’t be fooled, Obama is not completely stupid. He knows how this country is supposed to work. But he only has learned just enough of how it works to have a half baked idea of how to stop it from working. This is the downfall of liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, and Communism is that they on the most part do know how America is supposed to work to build wealth, and assure prosperity for all American’s. Like what the country stands for, freedom and liberty to find your own way, deal with the problems you encounter along the way, solve enough of them to be able to move forward, and then you finally arrive at success all things being equal.

    But the way liberals look at that is that along the way you’re going to discreminate against others who are trying to make their way to, misuse resources, abuse the rules everyone else is trying to operate by, and you’re going to try to find someone who can pull some strings for you to give you a boost ahead of “honest folk” that liberals seem to think they have to be only poor people who never seem to succeed at anything, but they’re not in reality. So, it’s liberals think that White people cheat, steal, and rangle their way to getting all they have, that’s how they’ve gained control over all the businesses, and use their wealth to control the politics, blah, blah, blah.

    See, if liberals really wanted to tell the truth about how ordinary people “make it” in America, being a racist, bigoted, discreminating bastard is not how most get it done. As a matter of fact most everyone who has made it in this country have never done these dispicable things liberals accuse us of doing in order to make it in this country. And they think that White people cheating, and stealing chances that Blacks and Mexican’s are trying to get for themselves so they can have a nice life to is the reason why liberals need such a big government to try to hold Whites back so that they won’t steal everyone’s chances. Is that why Obama has for his campaign promise to offer “hope and change” for all those who’ve been cheated by White people? That’s why we are having more and more regulations, taxes, and restrictions on speech, waving the flag, and even having a sign out in front of your house that has God’s name on it is so offensive to liberals. They don’t want American’s to see that those parts of the American culture are worth saving. Otherwise we are all screwed. Liberals will succeed in taking our country away from everyone, including all the people who know how this country is supposed to work. They won’t ever have a chance to see it work again because liberals won’t let any mechanism remain, which is our Constitution, that is the engine by which the people operate under so that opportunity is equal for everyone will remain. Liberals want life to be fair, the same, and more equal than it’s supposed to be but only for people they pick, not that everyone can have freedom, but only a few. Unfortunately, only liberals will be free, free to enslave the rest of us.

  2. “We need to unleash the free market and give it certainty of opportunity.”

    Succint and clear and absolutly true. People just do not understand how the economy functions around speculation and a “wait and see” mentality when so called “progressives” are in office.

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