
We’re All Pagans Now: U.N. Creates MOMiE

Modern DruidsPerhaps in preparation for the second anniversary of the U.N.’s “International Mother Earth Day”, the international body is set to consider a draft treaty from Bolivia that would give “Mother Earth” the same rights as people. Bolivian President Evo Morales, a socialist that believes that the planet should be granted a set of specific rights has authored a resolution that also creates a new bureaucracy, The Ministry of Mother Earth (MOMiE?).

Based on the Gaia hypothesis, poses that the planet is a living organism instead of being formed of rocks, water and numerous minerals on top of which organisms thrive. The same basis is that used by Native Americans, druids, and other pagan cultures. The Earth and it’s creatures are to be worshiped and glorified.

It would not be new for environmentalists to create or harbor a failed ideology, and certainly one in-conflict with itself. While fighting for wind and solar, they fight solar plants in order to protect the desert and wind farms to protect the birds. Now it would seem we will protect the Earth and its, er sorry, her organisms to destroy humans (um, also organisms).

Certainly those that enjoy a good steak are harming an organism of Mother Earth, but what about you salad munchers. That iceburg lettuce didn’t come from thin air.

Considering the lack of action, accountability or efficacy of the entirety of the U.N., I cannot imagine that The Ministry of Mother Earth will be much different. Every time we seek to build a new store on hallowed ground – which is all of the ground now – we will have to seek a permit through this new U.N. agency. Fishing permits, hunting licenses, farming registration, mining, gardening, timber, you name it – will all require the blessing of the high druid of MOMiE. Will this blessing will come with a regular tithe to the new church of the MOMiE? I already have a God, thank you.

One more hair-brained idea among many from the United Nations. More proof the One World Government is nothing more than a Utopian fantasy. At first, we might hope that things like this fail to pass the assembly, then again, would it matter if it did?

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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