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Desperate Strokes for Union Folks: Collapse J.P.Morgan, Create Housing Chaos.

Desperate Strokes for Union Folks;  Unions turn to trying to use mortgage holders to fight for power and disruption, just like they used teachers, firemen and policemen in Madison, Wisconsin.

SEUI operative/anarchist and career rabble-rouser Stephen Lerner was exposed recently in theblaze.com article, in trying to force the collapse and disruption of everything from banks to wall street to government, by calling on home mortgage holders to wage a de-facto strike by refusing to pay their mortgages and staying in their homes during the current mortgage crisis. Make no mistake folks, this is an act of domestic terrorism in a desperate move  by Union operatives to hide the fact that the public sector Unions are bankrupting States across America. Mr. Lerner can be heard in the following audio clip trying to champion the recent Madison Union thuggery as some sort of success model. My question to him would be, just what did you accomplish in Madison, other than exposing Union thuggery and hypocrisy?

The answer to that question, is absolutely nothing, other than proving yourselves to be nasty hypocrites with no respect for true Democracy in America.  Collective Bargaining  and bullying of states coffers to buy Democratic votes and enrich yourselves is a thing of the past in Wisconsin, and soon to be in the rest of the states that want to balance their budgets and restore fiscal sanity.  Listen to the following tape of Mr. Lerner’s plans that reveals the true modus operandi, or method of operation, of  Union operatives today, as it is quite telling and oh-so-informative:

Take note that Mr. Lerner is also on record as to making several visits to the Whitehouse recently. Isn’t that interesting ?

The Union’s outrageous salary, extravagant pension and medical plans have been exposed across the nation today, and now the Unions have to try to effect some sort of damage control, so they are trying to recruit home mortgage holders to do their dirty work here. For those of you reading this that are thinking of falling for this ploy, I have to ask you how many mortgage restructuring plans and other help for mortgage holders to stay in their homes are already available today? Plenty. For those of you who were unqualified to own a home in the first place, yet got loans knowing damn well you couldn’t afford them in the first place due to any one of the numerous Fannie and Freddie everyone deserves a house whether they can afford it or not schemes, I say tough ! Get out and get an apartment, or increase your income so you can afford to pay the mortgage payments, period. This is America, where when you want something,  you get out and work for it, not ask the government to give it to you at the expense of the taxpayers. Clear enough?

Update 3/28/11 Rep. Jason Cheffetz has written a letter to the DOJ Chief Holder demanding an investigation here. While the average informed, concerned citizen figures Holder will refuse to take a serious look into Lerner’s attempt at Economic Terrorism through innocent mortgage holders, there is an interesting CC ( for carbon copy) at the bottom of this letter.

cc:  The Honorable Darrell Issa, Chairman
cc:  The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Minority Member
Maybe the House Oversight Committee will investigate this and further expose the agenda here. Also, many people are reporting that Lerner is an Ex-SEIU executive, yet when Glenn Beck called  Lerner’s number at the SEIU, it was still intact and said he was on some sort of temporary leave. This could be a ploy to try to distance himself from the SEIU because of their reputation of bullying and thuggery. They need to make him appear to be nothing more than a concerned citizen while he tries to convince innocent mortgage holders to crash banks and wall street, and further destroy a fragile housing market.  This plan looks like it has been in the works for awhile over at SEIU, and for those who doubt their continued  involvement see this. They have been trying to paint banks as predators for several years, all because of their own agenda that pushed financial institutions to make loans to unqualified people.  Creat a mortgage crisis, then be there to help people to fix it. (supposedly)
The bottom line here is that SEIU and other Unions are desperately trying to use innocent mortgage holders to go on a de-facto strike and not pay their mortgages to wreak havoc on the banking industry and Wall Street. Remember the saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste ?”  This is how Lerner and company hope to take advantage of the current fragile housing  and mortgage industry that has virtually been on the brink of total collapse ever since Activist-laden groups like Acorn and Fannie & Freddie have been telling us that everyone deserves a house, whether they can actually afford it or not. This Lerner terrorism attempt is just a continuation of the long-standing plan to bankrupt America, and collapsing the mortgage and banking industry is just one part of that plan.
Update Via The Blaze: When I wrote that Lerner saying he was no longer with SEIU was a ploy to distance his plot from them, turns out it was right on the money.

Wade Rathke’s Startling Admission: ‘Economic Terrorism’ Engineer Stephen Lerner Is Still on SEIU Payroll

Lerner has not been “fired” by SEIU as they report. He was placed on paid leave last fall to think through his contribution to the union, but was certainly present at the recent international executive board meeting.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. This idiot moron should be in jail and charged with treason or something. He’s probably great friends with Obama since all Obama’s friends are people of his caliber.

  2. Hi Carol, Thanks for taking the time to stop by CDN and share your thoughts.

    Glenn beck has proven this man’s ties to George Soros, and when it comes to destroying countries, we all know the Soros agenda. Attack the political system, overload the welfare rolls, and collapse the banking systems.

    One public hanging broadcast on national TV for all to see, for treason against the United States of America would slow these Communist/Socialist anti-Americans down tremendously! For instance:

    ” The crowd was eerily silent and electricity was vibrating through everyone’s veins, as the Hangman reached for the pull-lever that would drop the 500 pounds of sandbags attached to a pulley and leading to the traitor’s neck.

    Then with one swift motion, the hangman ripped down on the lever, and the crash of the sandbags meshed with the slamming open of the trap doors at the traitors feet. The crowd gasped as the Traitor’s neck snapped with a loud CRAAAAAACK, and his feet convulsed violently for what seemed like hours, yet was only a few seconds.

    Then, as the crowd realised the magnitutude of what had just happened, instead of a loud raucus cheer, they let out a collective sigh of relief and talked amongst themselves in murmurs, with many saying silent prayers.

    One person could be heard to exclaim, as he departed from the Washington D.C newly erected American Amphitheater, ” I bet that is the last time the citizens of this country will entrust the future of America and her children to an outside One World Government agent from only God knows where ! ”

    That is a shortened excerpt from my upcoming Novel.


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